The Markdown Office Suite

I think I’m finally pretty close to achieving being Down with the Mark, like guru Brett Terprstra. I seem to have the right combination of Markdown-aware applications that replace the more traditional office suites:

Words #

Yeah, there are some redundancies here. But just as I have a whole box full of gleaming silver wrenches, each of differing size, so goeth it for me with text editors.

Numbers #

Slideware #

Notes and General Productivity #

Sharing and Storage #

Utilities #

Database #

Well, is my office suite sweet? Tell me what I’m missing! There’s always room for one more text editor.


Now read this

Taskmator - heir apparent to iOS TaskPaper?

Well, I’ve been following the quiet, stealthy and nearly silent progress of an iOS app called (today) Taskmator. It was previously called Tasque, but changed due to conflict with a Linux program. Why? Well, despite some early... Continue →